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Animal Sound Recordings Hardware and Software for InvestigatingAnimal Acoustic Communication Avisoft BioacousticsSchönfließer Str. 8316548 GlienickeGermanytel +49 33056 426086fax +49 33056 426087infoavisoft.com Software Avisoft-SASLab Pro RECORDER Tutorial Downloads Revision history &News Hardware UltraSoundGate Ultrasound microphones Ultrasound playback Product selection by using Links Sales Price list &Ordering information Service Legal notice & Privacy Animal Sounds Birds Bats, batcalls.com Insectivorans Rodents Dogs Ungulata Primates Insects Frogs Text books Animal Sound Recordings Birds / Vögel These recordings have been made using SENNHEISER microphones K3/ME80, ME88, K6/ME62,64,66 or MKH60 unfluctuating to either a SONY DAT recorder TCD-D3, Marantz PMD 671, TASCAM DR-1, HD-P2, SONY PCM-M10, PCM-D50 or Fostex FR2-LE. Spectrograms were created in Avisoft-SASLab Pro. English Species Name German Species Name Scientific Name Recording Site Size Play Little Grebe Zwergtaucher Tachybaptus ruficollis Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh 103k Little Grebe Zwergtaucher Tachybaptus ruficollis Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal 104k Bittern Rohrdommel Botaurus stellaris Germany, Müritz National Park 158k Corncrake Wachtelkönig Crex crex Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal 145k Corncrake Wachtelkönig Crex crex Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal 308k Black Tern Trauerseeschwalbe Chlidonias niger Germany, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 170k Oystercatcher Austernfischer Haematopus ostralegus Germany, Amrum 128k Little Ringed Plover Flußregenpfeifer Charadrius dubius Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 38k Lapwing Kiebitz Vanellus vanellus Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 27k Scops Owl Zwergohreule Otus scops Greece, Kos 75k Long-eared Owl (juveniles) Waldohreule Asio otus Germany, Jena 103k Wryneck Wendehals Jynx torquilla Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 77k Wryneck Wendehals Jynx torquilla Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 452k Great Spotted Woodpecker Buntspecht Dendrocopos major Germany, Berlin Pankow 81k Great Spotted Woodpecker (juveniles) Buntspecht Dendrocopos major Germany, Darss 66k Great Spotted Woodpecker (juveniles) Buntspecht Dendrocopos major Germany, Berlin-Nordend 244k photo Great Spotted Woodpecker Buntspecht Dendrocopos major Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh (map) 32k Great Spotted Woodpecker Buntspecht Dendrocopos major Germany, Berlin-Nordend 413k mp3 Great Spotted Woodpecker Buntspecht Dendrocopos major Germany, Berlin-Nordend 266k Great Spotted Woodpecker Buntspecht Dendrocopos major Germany, Berlin-Nordend 223k   Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Kleinspecht Picoides minor Germany, Schorfheide 55k Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Kleinspecht Picoides minor Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 79k Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Kleinspecht Picoides minor Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 68k Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Kleinspecht Picoides minor Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 63k Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Kleinspecht Picoides minor Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh 127k Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Kleinspecht Picoides minor Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal (map), (stereo soundscape) 682k Green Woodpecker Grünspecht Picus viridis Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh 66k Black Woodpecker Schwarzspecht Dryocopus martius Germany, Jena 40k Black Woodpecker Schwarzspecht Dryocopus martius Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 119k Wood Warbler Waldlaubsänger Phylloscopus sibilatrix Germany, Berlin-Schönholz 234k Wood Warbler Waldlaubsänger Phylloscopus sibilatrix Germany, Berlin-Schönholz 206k Wood Warbler Waldlaubsänger Phylloscopus sibilatrix Germany, Berlin-Schönholz 122k Skylark Feldlerche Alauda arvensis Germany, Amrum 238k Blue Tit Blaumeise Parus caeruleus Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 26k Blue Tit Blaumeise Parus caeruleus Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 82k Mountain Chickadee Gambelimeise Parus gambeli North America, Arizona, Grand Canyon 62k Penduline Tit Beutelmeise Remiz pendulinus Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde (map) 17k   Penduline Tit Beutelmeise Remiz pendulinus Germany, Berlin-Lübars (map) 632k   Nuthatch Kleiber Sitta europaea Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh 85k Nuthatch Kleiber Sitta europaea Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 40k   Nuthatch Kleiber Sitta europaea Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 86k   Nuthatch Kleiber Sitta europaea Germany, Berlin-Niederschönhausen 1.3MB   Red-breasted Nuthatch Kanadakleiber Sitta canadensis North America, Arizona 37k Canyon Wren Schluchtenzaunkönig Catherpes mexicanus North America, Arizona 98k Wren Zaunkönig Troglodytes troglodytes Germany, Berlin-Niederschönhausen 106k Wren Zaunkönig Troglodytes troglodytes Germany, Berlin-Niederschönhausen 234k Hedge Sparrow Heckenbraunelle Prunella modularis Germany, Berlin-Niederschönhausen 101k Hedge Sparrow Heckenbraunelle Prunella modularis Germany, Berlin-Niederschönhausen 110k Hedge Sparrow Heckenbraunelle Prunella modularis Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 2.3MB Tree Pipit Baumpieper Anthus trivialis Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 104kB Tree Pipit Baumpieper Anthus trivialis Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 218k Tree Pipit Baumpieper Anthus trivialis Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 154k Tawny Pipit Brachpieper Anthus campestris Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde (map) 10k Blue-headed Wagtail Schafstelze Motacilla flava Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 20k Blue-headed Wagtail Schafstelze Motacilla flava Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 458k Berthelot's Pipit Kanarenpieper Anthus berthelotii Spain, Tenerife (Canary Islands) 10k photo Pied Flycatcher Trauerschnäpper Ficedula hypoleuca Germany, Müritz National Park 175k Black Redstart Hausrotschwanz Phoenicurus ochruros Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh 163k Whinchat Braunkehlchen Saxicola rubetra Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal 84k Whinchat Braunkehlchen Saxicola rubetra Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 66k Nightingale Nachtigall Luscinia megarhynchos Greece, Rhodes 179k Nightingale Nachtigall Luscinia megarhynchos Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal 140k Nightingale Nachtigall Luscinia megarhynchos Germany, Berlin-Lübars (map) 772 kB wav Robin Rotkehlchen Erithacus rubecula Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 277k Chiffchaff Zilpzalp Phylloscopus collybita Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 50k Chiffchaff Zilpzalp Phylloscopus collybita Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 145k Chiffchaff, calls Zilpzalp Phylloscopus collybita Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 87k Chiffchaff Zilpzalp Phylloscopus collybita canariensis Spain, La Palma (Canary Islands) 102k Chiffchaff, calls Zilpzalp Phylloscopus collybita canariensis Spain, La Palma (Canary Islands) 109k Willow Warbler Fitis Phylloscopus trochilus Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 64k Willow Warbler Fitis Phylloscopus trochilus Germany, Berlin-Lübars 310k Grasshopper Warbler Feldschwirl Locustella naevia Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal 122k Grasshopper Warbler Feldschwirl Locustella naevia Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 426k Savi's Warbler Rohrschwirl Locustella luscinioides Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 120k River Warbler Schlagschwirl Locustella fluviatilis Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal 107k River Warbler Schlagschwirl Locustella fluviatilis Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 717k Great Reed-Warbler Drosselrohrsänger Acrocephalus arundinaceus Greece, Kos 141k Great Reed-Warbler Drosselrohrsänger Acrocephalus arundinaceus Germany, Berlin-Arkenberge 318k Great Reed-Warbler Drosselrohrsänger Acrocephalus arundinaceus Germany, Berlin-Arkenberge 550k Fan-tailed Warbler Cistensänger Cisticola juncidis Greece, Kos 161k Fan-tailed Warbler Cistensänger Cisticola juncidis Greece, Kos 321k Barred Warbler Sperbergrasmücke Sylvia nisoria Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal 56k Barred Warbler Sperbergrasmücke Sylvia nisoria Germany, Darss 136k Garden Warbler Gartengrasmücke Sylvia borin Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal 107k Garden Warbler Gartengrasmücke Sylvia borin Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 213k Blackcap Mönchsgrasmücke Sylvia atricapilla Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 146k Blackcap Mönchsgrasmücke Sylvia atricapilla Germany, Berlin-Nordend 128k Blackcap Mönchsgrasmücke Sylvia atricapilla Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 296k Blackcap Mönchsgrasmücke Sylvia atricapilla Germany, Berlin-Nordend 493k Blackcap Mönchsgrasmücke Sylvia atricapilla Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde (map) (stereo soundscape) 504k Whitethroat Dorngrasmücke Sylvia communis Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 61k Whitethroat Dorngrasmücke Sylvia communis Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 68k Whitethroat Dorngrasmücke Sylvia communis Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 50k Lesser Whitethroat Klappergrasmücke Sylvia curruca Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 51k Marsh Warbler Sumpfrohrsänger Acrocephalus palustris Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 131k Marsh Warbler Sumpfrohrsänger Acrocephalus palustris Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 123k Reed Warbler Teichrohrsänger Acrocephalus scirpaceus Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 114k Reed Warbler Teichrohrsänger Acrocephalus scirpaceus Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 116k Black-throated Gray Warbler Trauerwaldsänger Dendroica nigrescens North America, Arizona 29k Red-winged Blackbird Rotschulterstärling Agelaius phoeniceus North America, Arizona, Grand Canyon 101k Chaffinch Buchfink Fringilla coelebs Germany, Berlin-Niederschoehausen 107k Chaffinch Buchfink Fringilla coelebs Germany, Berlin-Niederschoehausen 100k Corn Bunting Grauammer Emberiza calandra Greece, Kos 92k Corn Bunting Grauammer Emberiza calandra Germany, Berlin-Frohnau 111k Corn Bunting Grauammer Emberiza calandra Germany, Berlin-Frohnau 179k Corn Bunting Grauammer Emberiza calandra Greece, Kos 206k Reed Bunting Rohrammer Emberiza schoeniclus Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 51k Reed Bunting Rohrammer Emberiza schoeniclus Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 60k Yellow Hammer Goldammer Emberiza citrinella Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal 105k Yellow Hammer Goldammer Emberiza citrinella Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 147k Yellow Hammer (call) Goldammer Emberiza citrinella Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal 10k Yellow Hammer Goldammer Emberiza citrinella Germany, Berlin-Lübars 230k Black-headed Bunting Kappenammer Emberiza melanocephala Greece, Kos 95k Black-headed Bunting Kappenammer Emberiza melanocephala Greece, Kos 250k Cretzschmar's Bunting Grauortolan Emberiza caesia Greece, Kos 54k Cretzschmar's Bunting Grauortolan Emberiza caesia Greece, Kos 873k Serin Girlitz Serinus serinus Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh 88k Serin Girlitz Serinus serinus Germany, Berlin-Nordend 4.11MB Serin Girlitz Serinus serinus Spain, Mallorca, C'an Picafort 980kB Hawfinch Kernbeißer Coccothraustes coccothraustes Germany, Berlin-Nordend 47k Hawfinch Kernbeißer Coccothraustes coccothraustes Germany, Berlin-Nordend 709k Icterine Warbler Gelbspötter Hippolais icterina Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 107k Icterine Warbler Gelbspötter Hippolais icterina Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 596k Icterine Warbler Gelbspötter Hippolais icterina Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 3.4MB Goldcrest Wintergoldhähnchen Regulus regulus Germany, Berlin-Nordend 118k Goldcrest Wintergoldhähnchen Regulus regulus Germany, Berlin-Schönholz 171k Goldcrest Wintergoldhähnchen Regulus regulus Germany, Berlin-Schönholz 148k Vervain Hummingbird Kolibri Mellisuga minima Dominican Republic, Samana (map) 124k Northern Mockingbird Mimus polyglottos Dominican Republic, Samana 149k Antillian Grackle Quiscalus niger Dominican Republic, Samana 59k photo Tree creeper Gartenbaumläufer Certhia familiaris Germany, Berlin-Niederschönhausen 76k Tree creeper Gartenbaumläufer Certhia familiaris Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal 72k Siskin Erlenzeisig Carduelis spinus Germany, Berlin-Niederschönhausen 100k Siskin Erlenzeisig Carduelis spinus Germany, Berlin-Niederschönhausen 328k Greenfinch Grünfink Carduelis chloris Germany, Berlin-Niederschönhausen 100k Greenfinch Grünfink Carduelis chloris Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 359k Greenfinch Grünfink Carduelis chloris Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 127k Great tit Kohlmeise Parus major Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh 19k Great tit Kohlmeise Parus major Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh 24k Great tit Kohlmeise Parus major Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh 27k Great tit Kohlmeise Parus major Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh 67k Great tit Kohlmeise Parus major Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 345k Great tit Kohlmeise Parus major Germany, Berlin-Niederschönhausen 232k House Sparrow Haussperling Passer domesticus Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh 121k Scarlet Grosbeak Karmingimpel Carpodacus erythrinus Germany, Darss 43k Thrush Nightingale Sprosser Luscinia luscinia Germany, Darss 213k Song Thrush Singdrossel Turdus philomelos Germany, Darss 228k Song Thrush Singdrossel Turdus philomelos Germany, Berlin-Lübars 406k Starling Star Sturnus vulgaris Germany, Berlin-Nordend 223k Raven Kolkrabe Corvus corax Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 9k Raven Kolkrabe Corvus corax Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 92k Buzzard Mäusebussard Buteo buteo Germany, Berlin-Schildow 40k Long-tailed Tit Schwanzmeise Aegithalos caudatus Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 43k Long-tailed Tit Schwanzmeise Aegithalos caudatus Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 28k Long-tailed Tit Schwanzmeise Aegithalos caudatus Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 46k Marsh Harrier Rohrweihe Circus aeruginosus Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal (map) 28k Marsh Harrier Rohrweihe Circus aeruginosus Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal 37k Marsh Harrier Rohrweihe Circus aeruginosus Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal 94k Cuckoo Kuckuck Cuculus canorus Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal (map) 61k Blackbird Amsel Turdus merula Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal 128k Blackbird Amsel Turdus merula Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal 87k Redstart Gartenrotschwanz Phoenicurus phoenicurus Germany, Berlin-Nordend 98k Redstart Gartenrotschwanz Phoenicurus phoenicurus Germany, Berlin-Nordend 2.18MB Redstart Gartenrotschwanz Phoenicurus phoenicurus Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal 2.3MB Spottend Flycatcher Grauschnäpper Muscicapa striata Germany, Berlin-Nordend 171k Golden Oriole Pirol Oriolus oriolus Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 22k Golden Oriole Pirol Oriolus oriolus Germany, Berlin-Lübars 220k Golden Oriole Pirol Oriolus oriolus Germany, Berlin-Lübars 89k Swift Mauersegler Apus apus Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh 229k (64kHz USG) Wood Pigeon Ringeltaube Columba palumbus Germany, Berlin-Schönholz 32k Common Tern Flußseeschwalbe Sterna hirundo Germany, Parsteiner See 286k Squacco Heron Rallenreiher Ardeola ralloides Greece, Crete, Rethymnon 148k Hooded Crow Nebelkrähe Corvus corone Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 134k Hooded Crow Nebelkrähe Corvus corone Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 347k Coal Tit Tannemmeise Parus ater Germany, Mühlenbeck near Berlin 124k Water Rail Wasserralle Rallus aquaticus Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 296k Woodlark Heidelerche Lullula arborea Germany, Berlin-Lübars 348k Linnet Bluthänfling Acanthis cannabina Germany, Berlin-Arkenberge 173k Wheatear Steinschmätzer Oenanthe oenanthe Germany, Berlin-Arkenberge 55k Sand Martin Uferschwalbe Riparia riparia Germany, Berlin-Arkenberge 25k Goshawk Habicht Accipiter gentilis Germany, Berlin-Nordend 291k Sardinian Warbler Samtkopfgrasmücke Sylvia melanocephala Greece, Kos 435k Sardinian Warbler Samtkopfgrasmücke Sylvia melanocephala Greece, Kos 824k Flamingo Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber Greece, Kos 394k Alpine swift Alpensegler Apus melba Greece, Kos 156k Roller Blauracke Coracias garrulus Greece, Kos (map) 972k Jackdaw Dohle Corvus monedula Greece, Kos 163k Crested Lark Haubenlerche Galerida cristata Greece, Kos 463k Cetti's Warbler Seidensänger Cettia cetti Greece, Kos 123k Cetti's Warbler Seidensänger Cettia cetti Spain, Mallorca, Albufera 156k Olivaceous Warbler Blaßspötter Hippolais pallida Greece, Kos 1532k Black-eared Wheatear Mittelmeersteinschmätzer Oenanthe hispanica Greece, Kos 206k Bee-eater Bienenfresser Merops apiaster Greece, Kos 95k Red-backed Shrike Rotrückenwürger Lanius collurio Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde (map) 201k Common Snipe Bekassine Gallinago gallinago Germany, Berlin-Lübars (map) 423k Tree Sparrow Feldsperling Passer montanus Germany, Berlin-Niederschönhausen (map) 313k Hoopoe Wiedehopf Upupa epops Greece, Halkidiki, Gerakini (map) 1032k Willow Tit Weidenmeise Parus montanus Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 353k Willow Tit Weidenmeise Parus montanus Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 84k Willow Tit Weidenmeise Parus montanus Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 1.2M Willow Tit Weidenmeise Parus montanus Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 210k Mallard Stockente Anas platyrhynchos Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 229k Eurasian Coot Bleßralle Fulica atra Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 227k Little Egret Seidenreiher Egretta garzetta Spain, Mallorca, Albufera 1.04MB Black-winged Stilt Stelzenläufer Himantopus himantopus Spain, Mallorca, Albufera 298k European Stonechat Schwarzkehlchen Saxicola rubicola Spain, Mallorca 341k Subalpine Warbler Weißbart-Grasmücke Sylvia cantillans Spain, Mallorca 552k European Goldfinch Stieglitz Carduelis carduelis Spain, Mallorca 529k Grey Heron Graureiher Ardea cinerea Germany, Berlin-Lübars 3.6MB wav Grey Heron Graureiher Ardea cinerea Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 701 kB Jackdaw Dohle Corvus monedula Germany, Berlin 1MB wav Eurasian Jay Eichelhäher Garrulus glandarius Germany, Berlin-Niederschönhausen 149k Eurasian Jay Eichelhäher Garrulus glandarius Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 127k Mute Swan Höckerschwan Cygnus olor Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 60k Greylag Goose Graugans Anser anser Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 1.4MB Common Crane Kranich Grus grus Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 73k Tawny Owl Waldkauz Strix aluco Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 2.1MB Recordings labeled 'USG' were recorded with Avisoft-UltraSoundGate 116.   Bats / Fledermäuse The pursuit recordings have been made with Avisoft-UltraSoundGate 116-200. In order to make the recordings audible, the files have been slowed-down by factor 10. Spectrograms were created in Avisoft-SASLab Pro. English Species Name German Species Name Scientific Name Recording Site Size Play Leisler’s Bat Kleiner Abendsegler Nyctalus leisleri Co. Galway, Ireland 23k (2) Leisler’s Bat (social calls) Kleiner Abendsegler Nyctalus leisleri Great Britain 189k (3) Noctule Großer Abendsegler Nyctalus noctula Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal 136k Noctule Großer Abendsegler Nyctalus noctula Germany, Berlin-Lübars 210k Noctule Großer Abendsegler Nyctalus noctula Germany, Berlin-Lübars 439k Noctule Großer Abendsegler Nyctalus noctula Germany, Berlin-Lübars 3.61MB x17 Common Pipistrelle Zwergfledermaus Pipistrellus pipistrellus Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh 115k Common Pipistrelle Zwergfledermaus Pipistrellus pipistrellus Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh 194k Common Pipistrelle Zwergfledermaus Pipistrellus pipistrellus Germany, Berlin-Lübars 387k Common Pipistrelle Zwergfledermaus Pipistrellus pipistrellus Germany, Berlin-Lübars 192k Common Pipistrelle Zwergfledermaus Pipistrellus pipistrellus Germany, Berlin-Lübars 596k Common Pipistrelle Zwergfledermaus Pipistrellus pipistrellus Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh 143k Common Pipistrelle Zwergfledermaus Pipistrellus pipistrellus Great Britain 228k (3) Common Pipistrelle Zwergfledermaus Pipistrellus pipistrellus Berlin-Niederschönhausen, Germany 269k Common Pipistrelle Zwergfledermaus Pipistrellus pipistrellus Berlin-Niederschönhausen, Germany 237k Common Pipistrelle Zwergfledermaus Pipistrellus pipistrellus Berlin-Niederschönhausen, Germany 383k Common Pipistrelle Zwergfledermaus Pipistrellus pipistrellus Germany, Berlin(stereo) 325kB Common Pipistrelle Zwergfledermaus Pipistrellus pipistrellus Germany, Berlin(stereo) 175kB Common Pipistrelle Zwergfledermaus Pipistrellus pipistrellus Germany, Berlin(stereo) 1.15MB Unidentified bat species with unusual width modulation Zwergfledermaus? Pipistrellus pipistrellus? Berlin-Niederschönhausen, Germany,25.10.2009, 20:55 994k Soprano Pipistrelle Mückenfledermaus Pipistrellus pygmaeus Berlin-Niederschönhausen, Germany 440k Soprano Pipistrelle Mückenfledermaus Pipistrellus pygmaeus Berlin-Niederschönhausen, Germany 237k Nathusius's Pipistrelle Rauhhautfledermaus Pipistrellus nathusii Great Britain 259k (3) Nathusius's Pipistrelle Rauhhautfledermaus Pipistrellus nathusii Berlin-Niederschönhausen, Germany 193k Natterer's Bat Fransenfledermaus Myotis nattereri Great Britain 409k (3) Daubenton's Bat Wasserfledermaus Myotis daubentonii Germany, Brandenburg, Fürstenwalde 132k Daubenton's Bat Wasserfledermaus Myotis daubentonii Germany, Berlin-Lübars 207k Daubenton's Bat Wasserfledermaus Myotis daubentonii Great Britain 869k (3) Serotine Breitflügelfledermaus Eptesicus serotinus Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh 53k Serotine Breitflügelfledermaus Eptesicus serotinus Great Britain 360k (3) Barbastelle Bat Mopsfledermaus Barbastella barbastellus Great Britain 218k (3) Barbastelle Bat Mopsfledermaus Barbastella barbastellus Bulgaria 86k (4) unidentified unbestimmt ? Malaysia, Bangi 552k Mexican Free-tailed Bat Brasilianische Bulldoggfledermaus; Guano Fledermaus Tadarida brasiliensis Bracken Cave, San Antonio, Texas, USA 688k Mexican Free-tailed Bat (clutter) Brasilianische Bulldoggfledermaus; Guano Fledermaus Tadarida brasiliensis Bracken Cave, San Antonio, Texas, USA 173k Mexican Free-tailed Bat (more clutter) Brasilianische Bulldoggfledermaus; Guano Fledermaus Tadarida brasiliensis Bracken Cave, San Antonio, Texas, USA 126k Lesser Horseshoe Bat Kleine Hufeisennase Rhinolophus hipposideros Co. Galway, Ireland 633k x20 (2) Lesser Horseshoe Bat Kleine Hufeisennase Rhinolophus hipposideros Great Britain 542k x20(3) Lesser Horseshoe Bat Kleine Hufeisennase Rhinolophus hipposideros Bulgaria 581k x20(4) Greater Horseshoe Bat Große Hufeisennase Rhinolophus ferrumequinum Great Britain 249k (3) Greater Horseshoe Bat Große Hufeisennase Rhinolophus ferrumequinum Bulgaria 940k x20(4) Mediterranean Horseshoe Bat Mittelmeer-Hufeisennase Rhinolophus euryale Bulgaria 388k x20(4) Mehely's Horseshoe Bat Mehely-Hufeisennase Rhinolophus mehelyi Bulgaria 1.18MB x20(4) Blasius's Horseshoe Bat Blasius-Hufeisennase Rhinolophus blasii Bulgaria 984k x20(4) Brown long-eared bat Braunes Langohr Plecotus auritus Berlin-Niederschönhausen, Germany 240k (3) recorded by Danielle Linton (Wildlife Conservation Research Unit at Oxford University) with UltraSoundGate 116-200 (4) recorded by Matthias Göttsche (Stocksee, Germany) with UltraSoundGate 116HmeIncreasinglybat sounds can be found at www.batcalls.com. Cetaceans / Zahnwale English Species Name German Species Name Scientific Name Recording Site Size Play Bottlenose dolphin Großer Tümmler Tursiops truncatus Shannon Estuary, Ireland 1.55MB (2) Killer whale Schwertwal Orcinus orca Vestfjord, Norway 66k (4) Killer whale Schwertwal Orcinus orca Vestfjord, Norway 49k (4) (2) recorded by Eugene McKeown with UltraSoundGate 116-200 (4) recorded by Heike Vester, Ocean Sounds Insectivorans / Insektenfresser English Species Name German Species Name Scientific Name Recording Site Size Play European water shrew Wasserspitzmaus Neomys fodiens Germany, Müritz National Park 75k Common shrew Waldspitzmaus Sorex araneus Germany, Berlin-Nordend (map) 87k Rodents / Nagetiere A hodgepodge of ultrasonic vocalizations of Laboratory rats and mice is misogynist on the rodents page. Dogs / Hunde English Species Name German Species Name Scientific Name Size Play Boxer Boxer Canis familaris 63k Giant Schnauzer Riesenschnauzer Canis familaris 47k Hovawart Hovawart Canis familaris 93k Dachshund Rauhhaardackel Canis familaris 98k Wolf Wolf Canis lupus 178k These dog vocalizations were provided by an unrecognized recordist. Ungulata / Huftiere English Species Name German Species Name Scientific Name Recording Site Size Play Sheep Schaf Ovis aries Germany, Berlin-Luebars 177k Horse Pferd Equus caballus Germany, Berlin-Luebars 124k Primates / Primaten English Species Name German Species Name Scientific Name Recording Site Size Play Celebes crested macaque Schopfmakake Macaca nigra Indonesia, North Sulawesi, Tangkoko-Batuangus Nature Reserve 75k (1) Celebes crested macaque Schopfmakake Macaca nigra Indonesia, North Sulawesi, Tangkoko-Batuangus Nature Reserve 64k (1) Long-tailed macaque (female copulation call) Javaneraffe Macaca fascicularis Indonesia, West Java, Pangandaran Nature Reserve 591k (1) Long-tailed macaque (warning call) Javaneraffe Macaca fascicularis Indonesia, West Java, Pangandaran Nature Reserve 29k (1) (1) recorded by Antje Engelhardt Insects / Insekten The recordings labeled '(x10)' are time-expanded files, which were recorded with Avisoft-UltraSoundGate 116 unfluctuating to a palmtop computer. In order to make these recordings completely audible, the speed has been slowed-down by the specified factor. All recordings were made in the field (without transmissible the animals). English Species Name German Species Name Scientific Name Recording Site Size Play Mole cricket Maulwurfsgrille Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa Spain, Andalucia, Alcaidesa (map) 230k Bordeaux cricket Südliche Grille Eumodicogryllus burdigalensis Greece, Kos (map) 920k Field cricket species Feldgrillenart Gryllus species? Hispanola, Samana 75k Field cricket Feldgrille Gryllus campestris Germany, Schoenow near Berlin 340k Mediterranean field cricket Mittelmeergrille Gryllus bimaculatus Spain, Mallorca, Albufera 1.14MB House cricket Heimchen Acheta domesticus Germany, Berlin-Lübars (map) 306k House cricket Heimchen Acheta domesticus Germany, Berlin-Arkenberge 583k Mottled grasshopper Gefleckte Keulenschrecke Myrmeleotettix maculatus Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 120k(USG) (x10) Great Green Bush-cricket Grünes Heupferd Tettigonia viridissima Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 398k(USG) (x10)         80k Eastern Green Bush-cricket Östliches Heupferd Tettigonia caudata Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde (map) 1656k(USG) (x10)         332k Roesel's bush-cricket Roesels Beißschrecke Metrioptera roeselii Germany, Berlin-Lübars 75k(USG) (x10)         51k Roesel's bush-cricket Roesels Beißschrecke Metrioptera roeselii Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 971kB Short-winged conehead Kurzflügelige Schwertschrecke Conocephalus dorsalis Germany, Berlin-Lübars 218k(USG) (x10) Grey bush-cricket Westliche Beißschrecke Platycleis albopunctata Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 401k(USG) (x10) Two-coloured Bush-cricket Zweifarbige Beißschrecke Metrioptera bicolor Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 686k(USG) (x10) Wart biter Warzenbeißer Decticus verrucivorus Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 155k(USG) (x10) Speckled bush-cricket Punktierte Zartschrecke Leptophyes punctatissima Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 18k(USG) photo (x10) Speckled bush-cricket Punktierte Zartschrecke Leptophyes punctatissima Germany, Berlin-Niederschönhausen 43k(USG) photo (x10) Heath grasshopper Steppengrashüpfer Chorthippus vagans Germany, Schoenow near Berlin 265k(USG) (x10) Meadow grasshopper Gemeiner Grashüpfer Chorthippus parallelus Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 459k(USG) (x10)         92k   Meadow grasshopper Gemeiner Grashüpfer Chorthippus parallelus Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 473k(USG) photo (x10)         340k   Common Field grasshopper Brauner Grashüpfer Chorthippus brunneus Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh (map) 79k(USG) photo (x10) Verkannter Grashüpfer Chorthippus mollis Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 310k(USG) (x10) Verkannter Grashüpfer Chorthippus mollis Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 6.51MB Steppe grasshopper Wiesengrashüpfer Chorthippus dorsatus Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal 315k(USG124) wav Large Marsh Grasshopper Sumpfschrecke Stethophyma grossum Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde 954k photo unidentified grasshopper species Heuschrecke ? Malaysia, Bangi 493k(USG) (x10) unidentified Cicadidae species Singzikade ? Hispanola, Samana 109k Cicada cretensis Singzikade, Eschenzikade Cicada cretensis Greece, Crete, Rethymnon 222k photo Cicada mordoganensis Singzikade, Eschenzikade Cicada mordoganensis Greece, Rodos 383k Cicada orni Singzikade, Eschenzikade Cicada orni Greece, Halkidiki, Gerakini (map) 189k Cicada barbara? Cicada barbara? Spain, Mallorca 387k Cicadatra atra? Schwarze Zikade? Cicadatra atra? Greece, Kos 645k Rough-backed Bush-cricket Kantige Sattelschrecke Uromenus rugosicollis Spain, Mallorca 3.4MB photo1 photo2 Death's-head Hawk moth Totenkopfschwärmer Acherontia atropos Germany 260k (1) (1) recorded by Walter Tilgner Frogs / Frösche English Species Name German Species Name Scientific Name Recording Site Size Play Common Toad Erdkröte Bufo bufo Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde (map) 67k photo Common Toad Erdkröte Bufo bufo Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde Berlin-Blankenfelde (map) 20k Common Toad Erdkröte Bufo bufo Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde Berlin-Blankenfelde (map) 19k Green Toad Wechselkröte Bufo viridis Greece, Rhodes 39k Moor Frog Moorfrosch Rana arvalis Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde Berlin-Blankenfelde (map) 184k Marsh Frog Seefrosch Rana ridibunda Greece, Crete (map) 155k photo Edible Frog Teichfrosch Rana kl. esculenta Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal 8k Pool Frog Kleiner Wasserfrosch Rana lessonae Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh 251k Common Tree Frog Laubfrosch Hyla arborea Greece, Crete 46k Stripeless Tree Frog Mittelmeer-Laubfrosch Hyla meridionalis Spain, Andalucia, Alcaidesa (map) 196k Fire-bellied Toad Rotbauchunke Bombina bombina Germany, Parsteiner See 95k Iberian Green Frog Iberischer Wasserfrosch Rana perezi Spain, Mallorca 1.38MB All recordings (unless indicated otherwise) are copyrighted by Raimund Specht, Avisoft Bioacoustics. If you use any of these recordings, please make a note on the origin and add a link to www.avisoft.com. In specimen you are interested in one of the recordings that were made by other individuals, which are marked by a footnote "(x)", you are requested to ask them personally for permission. © 2006 Avisoft Bioacoustics last modified on 31 October 2015, Raimund Specht www.avisoft.com/sounds.htm